Cookie Policy of NTT DATA UK
Cookie Policy of NTT DATA UK

Cookie Policy

NTT DATA UK takes users’ privacy very seriously and is committed to comply with UK and EU Directive on privacy in the electronic communications. For this purpose we have developed the following policy which intends to give you all the keys to manage the cookies we collect while you visit our website.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a data file that a website sends to your browser, which then stores it on the device that you are using to browse the website. Cookies are designed to ensure that your visit to our website is as smooth as possible. These cookies will either contain a single session ID to tie the user to their use of the website or expire after an annual period. Cookies allows us to: 

  • Identify your device as you use the website, so that you are not treated as a new visitor each time you go to another part of the website.
  • Ensure that the servers used to power our website each serve an equal number of users.
  • Help make browsing as quick and responsive as possible.
  • See how our users interact with our website, including the number of visitors to the website, where visitors have come to the website from and the pages they have visited. For this purpose we use Piwik. Please note that in order to avoid the collection of your Personal Data by Piwik, we have set up the tool in a manner which prevents the collection of IP addresses. Neither NTT DATA nor Piwik are able to identify you and your online activity. We use the information we correct to help us improve the website.

Third Party Cookies

We may allow third party organisations to set cookies using this website in order to deliver services.

How to reject and delete Cookies

You do not have to accept cookies and you can reject or block the use of cookies and delete all cookies currently stored on your computer or mobile device. You can do this via the voting button or find out more details regarding your particular browser by clicking “help” on your browser's menu, or by visiting: